Turkish Cypriot
Chamber of Commerce

Brussels Representation Newsletter

ISSUE 2, JUNE 2013

Turkish Cypriot civil society demands an urgent solution to Cyprus problem

16 Turkish Cypriot civil society organisations led by KTTO sent a letter to Alexander Downer, UN Special Adviser to the Secretary General on Cyprus, asking for the immediate launch of the reunification talks from where the two sides left it in 2012 and demanding an urgent solution to the Cyprus problem by early 2014.

The civil society organisations expressed their disappointment with the recent statements made by the Greek Cypriot Leader Mr. Nicos Anastasiades that any round of comprehensive settlement talks on the Cyprus issue would not begin from where the two sides left it in 2012. This is seen as a clear indication of the Greek Cypriot Leader's intention to play for time and to drag on the Cyprus problem for many more years. 

Outlining the benefits of a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem to all parties involved, the organisations warned that Turkish Cypriots could not wait any longer for a solution and they wanted to start shaping their future without any further delay. READ MORE


Intra-island trade in Cyprus decreases

The ninth annual report 2012 on the implementation of the Green Line Regulation  has been adopted by the European Commission and will be presented to the EU Council for approval on June 11, 2013.

One of the most important findings underlined in the Report is the decrease in trade volume between the two parts of Cyprus mainly due to a number of obstacles existing in the Green Line trade. The Green Line Regulation was put into force by the European Union following the membership of a divided Cyprus into the EU which suspended the acquis communautaire in Northern Cyprus until the comprehensive resolution of the Cyprus problem.  READ MORE




Turkish Cypriots: EU citizens without rights 

KTTO organized a seminar on 9 May 2013 on the occasion of Europe Day.  Annually celebrated to highlight peace and unity in Europe, Europe Day, since 2004, is a bitter reminder for Turkish Cypriots of their unique and unfair position as citizens of the EU without the political, economic and social rights EU citizenship entails and of the failure of the EU to implement its promises to end their isolation.

The seminar featured a number of speakers representing different parts of the Community who shared with the national and international guests attending the event their feelings and expectations about living as a "Turkish Cypriot citizen of the European Union". READ MORE


9 years after the Annan Plan: Turkish Cypriots continue to call on the international community to deliver on their promises

9 years ago on 24 April 2004, Turkish Cypriots voted in a referendum in favor of the "Annan Plan", the UN plan on the comprehensive resolution of the Cyprus problem and the unification of the island, which would consequently result in the EU membership of a new Cyprus on 1 May 2004. 

Despite the 65% affirmative vote of the Turkish Cypriots, the Plan could not succeed in its goals due to the no vote of 75% of the Greek Cypriots. Ironically, as the party who voted against unification and joint EU membership, South Cyprus unilaterally acceeded to the EU, leaving the Turkish Cypriots out under isolation.

Following this anomaly, the EU and the international community expressed their strong will to end the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots who were left out of the EU due to no fault of their own.  Yet 9 years on, they still fail to deliver on their promises. READ MORE


KTTO disapproves of the European Commission's proposal for an amendment to the Green Line Regulation

On 13 May 2013, the European Commission proposed an amendment to the Green Line Regulation to ease the transit crossing of Greek Cypriot goods from one part of South Cyprus to another, through North Cyprus. According to the explanatory memorandum: "The amendment aims in particular to ease the lives of Greek Cypriot farmers living in the Kato Pyrgos area of Cyprus." 

KTTO President Çerkez sent a letter to EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Füle expressing his disapproval of the EU Commission's proposal. Çerkez said: "Instead of delivering on your promises and dealing with all the pending issues that would ease the isolation of Turkish Cypriots, you give priority to improve the lives of Greek Cypriot citizens, who unlike Turkish Cypriots, already fully enjoy the benefits of being in the European Union."


About Us

Established in 1958, the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (KTTO) is an internationally-recognized organization, representing the Turkish Cypriot business community at home and abroad.  READ MORE

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